The holder of the vocational baccalaureate in Electricity and its Connected Environments works in the building (residential, tertiary, industrial), industry, agriculture, services and infrastructure sectors.
This vocational baccalaureate covers all the professional skills associated with the electrotechnical profession from the point of energy production through to its uses. The fundamentals of the electrotechnical profession are transversal to all sectors of activity ( building industry, agriculture, service....)
At the end of the course, the holder of this vocational baccalaureate will be able to:
BC01 - Preparation of the operations to be carried out
Analyse the conditions of the operation and its context
Define an installation using pre-established solutions
Use digital tools in the professional context
Complete the documents linked to the operations
BC02 - Carrying out and commissioning an installation
Organise the operation in its context
Carry out an installation in an eco-responsible manner
Check the characteristic quantities of the installation
Adjust, parameterise the equipment in the installation
Validate the operation of the installation
Communicate between professionals about the operation
Communicate with the customer/user about the operation
BC03 - Maintenance of an installation
Diagnose a malfunction
Replace electrical equipment
BC04 - Economics - management
Understand and analyse a business situation
Exploit and analyse economic, legal or management documents
Justify a response by selecting, where appropriate, information from one or more documents
Write a structured response to a given problem, drawing on associated knowledge and appropriate specific vocabulary.
BC05 - Environmental health prevention
Implement an analytical approach in a given situation
Explain a physiological phenomenon, an environmental issue, a regulatory provision, in relation to the prevention approach
Propose a solution to resolve a problem
Argue a choice
Communicate in writing using clear syntax and appropriate vocabulary.
BC06 - Mathematics
BC07 - Physics-chemistry
BC08 - Modern language
BC09 - French
BC10 - History-geography and moral and civic education
BC11 - Applied arts and artistic cultures
BC12 - Physical education and sport
Find out more about this qualification (RNCP38878, exact wording of the diploma, name of the certifier, registration date of the qualification) by clicking here.
BEP or CAP or first general or second vocational year or 2 years' professional experience.
14 people
Positioning upstream of entry to training.
Interviews, remediation with the educational referent and/or company referent during training.
Taking into account the satisfaction of beneficiaries during and at the end of training.
Possibility of post-training support.
For beneficiaries with disabilities: possible adaptation of training and certification methods, support by the GRETA-CFA TH referent.
Education Nationale certified teachers, Bac +3 trainers with significant experience in adult education, professional lecturers.
Tests at the end of training (one-off assessment)
In-course assessment (CCF)
Present yourself with the liaison form from the prescriber (Mission locale, Pôle emploi...).
Interview by appointment.
Practising as an electrical engineer.
Continuing your studies in a BTS .
Access for people with disabilities
Accessible to people with disabilitiesCatering
School cateringTransport
Lines 1 and AA springboard course!
A course sought after by employers!
Many partner companies
The school's strengths: a team of experts to help you succeed
Success rate: 100%
Satisfaction rate: 100%
Job entry rate: 44.4%
Interruption rate during the course: 0%
.GRETA-CFA Côte d'Azur
GRETA-CFA Côte d'Azur
Réseau Formation Professionnelle
de l'Éducation nationale